Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Are Gel Candle Safe?

Gel Candle Safety
I was making a couple of gel candles for a friend the other day (actually for her mother). When I brought them into her house, one of her other friends got a horrified look on her face. "Oh Abby," she said, " you can't burn those in your house - they will explode!" My friend and I looked at each other, and back at our friend, who added, "I know...I've seen it...and read it on the internet!" Well...I decided to do some research on the matter, and was interested in what I found:

Are Gel Candles Dangerous? Gel Candle Safety

This is a good safety reminder and a thorough safety research on gel candles done by David Fisher. He shows why gel candles are as safe as any other type of candle. Seems like rumors and urban legends (in this case about gel candles) are so common these days, you really should verify things using a reliable source.


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