Friday, December 01, 2006

I Love That Scent!

Why Heavily Scented Candles? – Preserve The Aroma In Your Home
There is a difference between heavily scented candles, richly scented candles and triple scented candles. Many people believe that all three mean that the candle has a strong scent that will last until the candle burns out completely. For the most part, heavily scented candles means that a larger than normal amount of fragrance has been added to the wax in the candle making process. In general, one-half ounce is the normal amount of essential oil added to the melted wax. In heavily scented candles, this amount is tripled so that one and a half ounces are added...
Read the rest of the article...

Scented candles are the best ones. I personally think that this is what people actually love about candles. Read this interseting article by Peter Crump to learn some more about different kinds of scents.


Heat Those Bubbles Away!

We talked before about the wonders of the heat gun.

Pre-heating your glass container when making gel candles can help with preventing bubbles, but what should you do when you get bubbles after you pour?

Here are some more heat gun tips especially for gel candles.

Heat those bubbles away, thanks to Gel Candle Supply.
